Well-Known Member
This is where your misunderstanding of scripture is most shown. What was the context of "all who have sinned"? Salvation or government?
Apparently it's your misunderstanding of Scripture too because the context is talking about favoritism and being convicted as a lawbreaker. It says nothing about salvation. But rather deals with how WE TREAT others based upon what they have done.
This again goes right back to what we've discussed on here before about how much of the Church thinks the homosexual and the drug addict etc are so much worse sinners to the point of us creating 21st century lepers.
This Scripture deals with the same thing. Many in the Church like many on this board seem to think that the sin of others is worse than their own. And thus you hypocritically lessen your own judgment while being okay for someone else, whom Scripture says has broken the same law, for their punishment to be death.
That's favoritism wrapped in unrighteous judgment.
So deal with what the text says if you want to talk about CON-TEXT.
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. James 2:8-9
If you love yourself enough to not warrant the death penalty for your sin, then love your neighbor enough to not warrant the death penalty for his equal sin.
You break one, you break them all.
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