I notice no biblical support as you have your selfish tantrum.Limited Atonement is an outrageous HERESY! Sinful man has placed a "limit" on the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who Himself has said in John 3:16, "for God so loved the human race, that WHOSOEVER...". The problems is with the Calvinists and Reformers, that they are so hardened and blinded by their theological rubbish, that they WILL NOT see any truth. Once the would proudly claim John Calvin himself as the author of the TUILP theology, but they cannot as he rightly did NOT believe in the HERESY of an limited or restricted atonement. These people are so ignorant to what the Bible teaches, that their reasoning and arguments are flawed. They say there is no text that uses "free will", yet they cannot find ONE text that uses the word "Trinity"! Does this mean that the teaching is not found in the Bible? Such is their ignorance!
Biblical support has been shown to you and utilyan regarding God’s limited atonement, yet you dig your heals in and reveal the obstinate heart of one who refuses to believe what God has clearly told us.