I am referring to the reformed teaching of election and predestination, both of which are not taught in the Bible, as they say it is!
Perhaps then you need to be more specific and point out the teaching and exactly what is not conformed to Scriptures.
Let me ask you this. Why do you think that God "elected" you to eternal life, and not, say, your neighbour?
That is purely God's business.
A better question might be why would God ever determine that a wretched infidel such as me was worthy of His attention!
What is the basis for this "unconditional election"?
I am totally unworthy of any of God's attention.
There is no "condition" of merit or exercise of human ability in which I could ever attain God's attention as being righteous.
He redeemed me despite my own inclinations, desires, and life choices.
As a result, "All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe it all to Him (you)" Written by Andre Crouch and found in "My Tribute."
How can this election be compatable witn universal atonement?
Why not?
Universal atonement (taking that you mean that the shed blood was for every human that ever lived) is a separate but necessary part of salvation. (Without the shedding of blood....)
Election is based solely upon the Sovereign will of the Father. He does that choosing of His own purpose, timing, and needs, and not upon our own.
This whole "system" is faulty, as it teaches that some sinners are "chosen" before the foundation of the world for salvation, and the rest left to be damned for ever.
NO, the Bible teaches this, not some system.
The system is a human scheme that attempts (imperfectly so, imo) to group correlate various themes.
Paul says , "That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Cor, 5:19), which includes every human being. If this were just the elect, who would come to God, as they were so disposed to, then why would Paul go on to say, "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God" (v.20)? Why does God need to "plead" with the elect, as if they would not want to come to Him? It can only be understood when including EVERYONE in the world, because we know that many are not interested in God![/QUOTE]
Why do you think God "pleads" with anyone?
Christ gave a great illustration of a single sheep, who sought whom?
Christ gave the great parable of the rebellious son, who longed for whom?
Christ states that the gospel (word of God) is spread indiscriminately on the ground, why is only one harvested?
Each of these illustrate that God (Christ) is not "pleading" but active in performing the task of salvation specific to each person.
Why does this present a conflict in your mind?
Is it possible to find some example of salvation in the NT that was not purposeful by the power and instigation of God?.