This I can agree with. The Doctrines of Grace told me that God loved me before the foundation of the earth, so I can have confidence that His love will never fail even if I stumble and need to beg forgiveness. That was “Good News”.
You proclaim that scripture is for Jews and not for Gentiles and those of us that believe that God has always loved us will receive the worst punishment imaginable. That is NOT “Good News”, that is “Very Bad News”. (Is there a Greek word like ‘gospel’ that means “very bad news”?)
There is a disconnect somewhere in your mind. The word you are looking for is not in the Greek, it is in the English. It is CALVINISM. Do you realize that you actually teach that most of the billions of people who live on this earth and have lived on this earth were created for the express reason to go to hell? You teach that you are a special sinner to God and by him saving you and sending all these billions to hell it somehow showcases the goodness of God and his marvelous grace and kindness. It is perversion and exaltation of yourself.