Re the OP question: it's a 'both/ and' not 'either/ or' answer ie: Jesus did empty Himself (kenosis; per Phil. 2:7) but remained 100% God (per Phil 2:6). See also Nicaea I, Chalcedon Councils.
I am not sure if I undersdtand your post; but strongly believe that my posts are not being understood.
We can not denay kenosis, we can not make a christology ignoring it or pretendidng is not writen in the NT. If God the Son was God before kenosis and he continues to be God after kenosis; then we have to figure out what kenosis means.
Kenosis do not mean at all to seace to be God. Kenosis is not at all quiting or resigning to the condition of being God. If we have to understand the real meaning of kenosis then we have to acceot that Jesus was God in all the significance of being God.
There is only one way of being God...being 100% God. There is not such a thing as being half a God, or almost God, or barely God. Being God means to be God in all the meaning of it. Jesus was (during in earth) and is God in not other way that being totally, and fully God.
But by kenosis he did emptied out, did give up, did resign to something that did not lessen his condition of being God. Whatever he did emptied out of, he continues to be God. How much of a God? Fully God? As In say: there is only one way to be God and declaring to be fully God is redundant and unnecesary. After kenosis, after emtiing out Jesus was totaly and absolutely God. His divine condition can be resume in: Jesus is/was God; making unnecesary any "fully" added.
What did God the Son emptied out for entering the world in flesh as Jesus? Because he did emtied of something. Actually the term kenosis inplies a total emtyiness. What did God the Son emtied himself totaly and still continues to be God?
In my opinion, God the Son did emtied of all divine atributes. God the Son emptied of being - for example - omniscient. In that case, Jesus was not onmiscient.
What is so offensive? It is that for the most of the christianas can not understand that beinmg God and being omniscient are not the same thing, but two different things. It is possible to God to give up on his omniscience without being any less God. This is the focus of our discussion.
We - all you and me - are nos diagreen on Jesus being God. Fully God if you prefer. We disagree in that Jesus not being omniscient signifies him being less than full God. In my opinion, Jesus not being omniscient still is fully God; because God is not his atributes but God is God despite and besides of his atributes.
Now the big question: was Jesus omniscient?
If Jesus was in fact omniscient, then my opinion is in problems.
If Jesus was in fact not omniscient, then my opinion is in solid ground.
If I am right, not being omniscient has nothing against beinmg God...fully God.