First it is necesary to explain what I think of God. I understand that God is God, as he say I am. God is God because he is God, and the solely fact that he is God is enough for him to be God. There is nothing aditional for God to be God as the simple fact of him being God.
God has divine attributes. You need to know them and define them, otherwise you do not know who God is. Is Jesus God? Yes or no? If yes, then how do you know? Who is God the Father? How do you define who He is? What characteristics does he have.
If God is simply God, without "divine attributes," then which God do you worship:
Allah? Buddha? Ganesh? Vishna? Which one is your god? If God is god, he must be defined in some way, defined to differentiate Himself from all the other gods of the world.
We can complement by adding that God is the creator of all that exist. But God was God even before the creation and did not became God because the creation. God do love us, but God is God besides if he loves us or not. For God to be God do not depend in the fact that he loves us.
Muslims will say the same thing about Allah.
In the same way, we can search in the Bible for some characteristics of God. We cal them divine atributes. We learn that God is eternal, is saint, is allmighty. Those are detail of God, partials trues about God. God is not just eternal, he is more than only eternal, he is God. God is God by himself, because he is God. God is not God for being eternal, but he is eternal for being God.
The Muslims have 99 attributes for their God, Allah. How is your God any different than their God? Think of that--99 divine attributes of Allah! What are the divine attributes of the God you worship?
Now the queation is: can God sease to be saint and continues to be God?
This is akin to a Mormon belief. Do you mean that God was once a man? What do you mean by "saint"? Where does it say God was ever a "saint"?
To be saint is one of the characteristic that we descover studying him. Can God be God and yet not be saint? Is not being saint enough to for God to stop being God. Is God because he is saint, or is he saint because he is God?
God is not a saint. A saint is a believer who has set himself apart from sin.
God was never an unbeliever and was never in sin to be set apart from sin. To suggest this is blasphemous.
Satan had that question. Satan thot that probably, if God seaced to be saint he will seace to be God. Satan thot in the possibility that God taking over him all the sins of the humanity will seace to be God. Because having such contact with the sin will means that is not anymore saint. Will the ñack of one divine atribute destroy God?
God never lacks anything. The Bible clearly states that.
Satan was deceived and was kicked out of heaven.
The answer was NO. God proved that he continues to be God despite and besides havings this and that divine atribute. God is not God for having divine atributes and will be God independently of the divine atributes.
God is not and cannot be independent of his attributes. His attributes are what define him. He is what he is because of his attributes. Does God have divine attributes or Satanic attributes. Why or why not? How does the God that you serve have different attributes than Allah or does he? Perhaps he is more like Buddha? Is he? That all depends on the attributes that he has. Is he a God of hate or of love? Who is God? We know him by his attributes.
This is how I understand kenosis. Kenosis is emptying. It is a total and absolute emptying.
If it was a total emptying there would be no God left. That doesn't make sense. God is spirit. How do you empty a spirit?
It is not a partial lessening or seting aside, or veiling for a while.
Yes, it was partial. He left the glories of heaven. He emptied himself of the form that he had: spirit form. He became a man.
Kenosis is emtying to zero. Emptying of what? Emptying of having the divine atributes.
That is not what it says. Go and read Barnes again. Also read the account as it is given in the KJV, a much more accurate rendering.
Is that meaning to quit being God? Not at all. Being God and having divine atributes have litle conection.
You are wrong and very confused. To be God, God must have divine attributes; if He does not have divine attributes he is not God. So is he God or is he not God. If He is God, then he has divine attributes. You cannot get around this.
What is the conection between being God and having divine atributes?
They are inseparable.
If one is not God, can not have divine atributes.
No. I am not God and therefore do not have divine attributes.
If one have divine atributes, must be God.
Only God has divine attributes.
If one dont have divine atributes, still can be God.
No. God must have divine attributes, else he is not God.
If one is God, might have divine atributes.
God always has divine attributes; they are the characteristics that define him as God.
In the other hand, it was necesary for God the Son to live as man and without sin. In order to liove as man, it was necesary for God the Son to empty himself of all divine atributes. Otherwise, he would not live as a man.
False. He was totally man and totally God at the same time--having all of his divine attributes also. He chose not to exercise them at times. He told Peter to put up his sword. Then he said, "Do you not know that I could (exercise my divine attribute) and call 12 legions of angels."
Then, kenosis is the first part: to give up on all the privileges and advantages of having divine atributes. The second part is God the Son became flesh and be God in a human body.
No it isn't. It was simply to give up his glory, his place in heaven, his form or spirit; not his deity or divine attributes.
In concecuence: God lived as man; being the man named Jesus of Nazaret. But Jesus of Nazaret, being God did not have any divine atributes.
If he didn't have divine attributes he wasn't God. It is his divine attributes that characterize him as God. He is and was divine with all the attributes displayed to prove it.