The big differences are to whom is that calling given towards, and can we resist it or not?
Who does He draw? I like what Rev Bob said in post 91 and would add concerning light, "to Him that has, more will be given, and to the one who doesn't, even what He has will be taken away.
Those who respond to what Light God gives them will receive more. Those who reject what Light God has given will have darkened hearts hardened by a judicial act of God.
Judicial hardening, including the hardening spoken of in the Gospels, is a result of REJECTING Light. Look how much light the people in John 6 had been given, but they had time and time again rejected that Light, and their hearts had grown hard, their ears dull of hearing, and eyes that could not see. They could not come to God, because they had not learned of/from the Father.
Not every one who hears the Word LEARNS or is TAUGHT of the Father. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but the Father has revealed it!
Judicial hardening...The same thing can happen to us who grow up in a Christian family in a nation with churches on every corner, hearing preaching three times a week. We either hear and obey the Gospel or we will become hardened. We have already been judicially hardened as a nation to a large degree
And since all Light comes from God, The elect will not boast, God gets all the Glory, and we shall not boast. For we have nothing that we did not receive