And the misrepresentation of others continues with this spewer of falsehoods. Did I say Christ "paid for all human sins?" Nope, I said Christ paid the ransom for all, as found in scripture (1 Timothy 2:6).
Calvinism is completely based on out of context disinformation.
Calvinism is man-centered, shifting responsibility for effective evangelism from those born anew to God.
If God does it all, why is it hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom? Folks, if you study scripture, you will find Calvinism is false doctrine.
The Calvinist view of Christ not laying down His life as a ransom for all is obviously false doctrine. Christ became the means of salvation for the whole of humanity,
1 John 2:2. He bought those heading for swift destruction, as well as those to be saved,
1 Peter 2:1. Since God desires all people to be saved,
1 Timothy 2:4. His plan provided the opportunity to be saved according to His plan to everyone exposed to the gospel of Christ.
John 3:16