I rarely think economically. Economics is not the subject. It's your spiritual condition that is of concern to me. God gives grace comes to every person on earth. It rains on the wrong doers as well as the righteous God blesses all men with what they have or else they would not have it. Even when they don't deserve it. Grace happens to all. There is no special kind of faith. Only one,
MBwhich concerns believing.
How about you? do you have any faith that God will save you from hell with out conviction faith or repentance?
Mercy is given to all, for a season, but God extends his saving grace only to whom he chooses.
Faith is a gift to those God graciously saves. Jesus is the author and the finisher of this faith. Those who are not saved have substituted the Creator for the created and worship the created. God has abandoned them to their own passions. (Romans 1)
As for myself, God chose to redeem me and save my by his grace, apart from any merit on my part. He daily brings me to repentance and daily renews my faith as he works to sanctify me and make me in the image of Christ Jesus. It is all God at work. When I try to take control, life gets messed up.
It's all God. You and I are corrupt in our very nature. Own that truth, then thank God for His amazing grace.