DHK.....as you know all 3 of us... You, Icono & I gew up in the RCC church so we are all familiar with the 3 C's & nobody wants to revisit that mess. However the Baptist Confessions of Faith were written by some pretty smart men who were also baptists, pastors & wanted a guideline....something to pull to as a point of reference....it was never used as a substitute for scripture (but to uphold it) & yes you can always claim the bible but what happens when you run into something that your quite not certain about....you can always try to rely on your prayer time with the HS but you are still confused.......let me ask you, where do you turn? Do you flip a coin, do you rely on what you think....or do you pull to a source of interpretation written by well meaning fellow Baptists?
Q. What is the chief end of man?
A. The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.
(Westminster shorter Catechism)
My wife grew up Presbyterian. She still has some of this Catechism memorized. What use is it? It is of no value to me. It is a Reformed document. I can find out from the Bible "who God is," and "what the chief end of man" is.
I use my Bible. My teaching and preaching is mostly expository and exegitcal. Creeds, Confession, etc. are of no benefit whatsoever. The odd time I may come across a verse that is more difficult than some others. For example:
1 Corinthians 15:29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?
What is your confession going to tell me about "those that are baptized for the dead"?
Probably nothing!
I will go to a commentary that I know is based on: first the Greek, and second, and more importantly in this case, historical background. I will stay away from those commentaries that are both allegorical and even devotional. I know what I am looking for. It is not necessarily a Baptist commentary that will help me here. It is one that knows the language, the history, and the culture. A confession is useless.