Scripture More Accurately
Well-Known Member
Knowing how to speak modern Greek is different from knowing how to translate and exegete Biblical Greek.This is bad reasoning and is illogical. No one will study this Greek language who is not a member of an established theological persuasion. Studying Greek does not cause them to change. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that knowing Greek is not the way to learn sound doctrine.
There is no advantage to learning sound doctrine to the speakers of Greek over those who study from the KJV. We have enough history of the church to prove it. No one has changed their theological position because they learned to read the Greek language. No one. The lack of doctrinal unity among Greek speakers proves that it is not a tool used of God to strengthen his church.
I taught dozens of first-year Greek students as a graduate assistant in my seminary work. None of them ever used that language as a spoken language, but a number of them attained good levels of beginning ability in NT Greek.
I regularly provided my students with examples of how knowing NT Greek provides greater understanding than reading the Bible in English. Knowing NT Greek is highly beneficial for profiting more from Scripture and for understanding sound doctrine more accurately.