Homosexuality is a sin problem, and God should not be left out of the equation. Other than voicing my beliefs and God's teachings on the subject, I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince anyone that it is wrong. It's not our responsibility to stop unbelievers from sinning; our responsibility is to point them to the One Who can save them from their sin and convict them of any sin in their lives.
Some people will say something like, "If you don't change your life, you're going to hell." No, What they need to do is to call upon the Lord, admit to being a lost sinner and ask for forgiveness. We're not told in God's word to "Stop sinning, and then I will save you." I hear that in stupid songs about getting your heart right and THEN coming to the Lord, but that is backwards. We come to Him just as we are, and God does the cleaning up of our lives--if we let Him.