The correct resurrection reference is Acts of the Apostles 2:27-31. Jesus' soul is not dead when He physically died. Remenber the death of the body is not the death of the soul, Matthew 10:28. Get that truth.
The atonement was completed before Jesus physically died, John 19:28, ". . . Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, . . ." That word translated as "accomplished" is the very same word translated as "It is finished." Meaning "Paid in full." The atonement was finished before Jesus phyically died.
The resurrection from the dead is the proof the atonement was completed before He phyisially died. 1 Corinthians 15:17, "And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins."
Lev 17:11 Darby for the soul of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given
it (the blood of Jesus) to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that maketh atonement for the soul.
NASB20 ‘For the [fn] (soul) life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the [fn] (soul) life that makes atonement.’
When exactly was, the life of the flesh, in the blood, given upon the altar? When exactly was, the soul living, of the flesh, given upon the altar?
When Jesus dismissed his spirit and breathed forth the spirit of himself unto the hands of the Father.
That was when the atonement was made.
Twelve questions, please answer all twelve.
Ten minutes after Jesus breathed forth the spirit unto the hands of the Father;
Where was the Spirit of Jesus?
Where was the soul of Jesus?
Where was the body of Jesus?
Ten hours after Jesus breathed forth the spirit unto the hands of the Father;
Where was the spirit of Jesus?
Where was the soul of Jesus?
Where was the body of Jesus?
Sixty hours after Jesus breathed the spirit unto the hands of the Father;
Where was the spirit of Jesus?
Where was the soul of Jesus?
Where was the body of Jesus?
Ninety six hours after Jesus breathed forth the spirit unto the hands of the Father;
Where was the spirit of Jesus?
Where was the soul of Jesus?
Where was the body of Jesus?
According to the word of God?
In the hands of the Father
In Hades
On the cross
In the hands of the Father
In Hades
In the tomb of Joseph
In the hands of the Father
In Hades
In the tomb of Joseph
Back with Jesus
Meeting with the disciples sans Thomas
Meeting with the disciples sans Thomas