And this hypothetical trajectory is grounds to be godless ourselves? And stand down against evil? Take that one before God, and good luck.
Yes, this is exactly the argument Platt makes. Doesn't matter how good or bad a party is. If they don't endorse Christ, we don't join them in whatever good they're trying to do. What an awful testimony.
Problem is, there's nothing about this in Scripture. Romans 13 doesn't mention any standard like this. It merely says government is to punish evil and minister to the innocent. And we know all Christians are commanded to do good. Do you think this excludes political good? I only thank God Platt wasn't there to denounce the abolitionists.
So then, just let those babies die! (so the implication goes) Yet the NT says if we know the good we are to do and do not do it, to him in sin. David Platt is basically advocating open sin, with an imaginary excuse and a theory that it makes for a better testimony.
David Platt is openly calling the Church to disobey Christ. He's basically saying that if you can't find a Christian political party to save the unborn, you should let them die. This is morally repugnant.
To draw an analogy it would be like finding out a police officer didn't affirm Christ, and then preventing him from defending your family. I highly doubt you'd stick to your guns in that scenario. Nor would Platt.