I am neither “young, restless, (nor) reformed.” I am a Christian first, and an Historic, Particular Baptist second.
And Particular Redemption certainly does not "stem from 16th century reformer John Calvin." It predates John Calvin by 1500 years.
And I am certainly not an isolationist. I seldom visit Calvinist blogs or read Calvinist books, have never attended a Calvinist conference, nor joined a Calvinist church (whatever that is) and my pastor is decidedly not a "Calvinist preacher."
Nor am I a tribalist (whatever that is). I am a Christian first, a Baptist second.
Nor an I an egotist. Unfortunately too many people mistake confidence for egotism. I have a good education and a well rounded understanding of God's word. That has been acquired by 60 years of study. And I don't apologize for being well studied. The article seems to fall into the old anti-intellectualism rampant in so much of evangelicalism.
The dumbest statement in the article is "Talking so much of sovereignty and salvation and atonement can inflate the ego."
Talking about spiritual things inflates the ego?
Talking about the Perfection of God inflates the ego?
Talking about the helplessness of man inflates the ego?
Talking about the fact there is nothing we can do to initiate nor contribute to our salvation inflates the ego?
I think not, but an ad hominem attack on the character of those you disagree with is much easier than actual facts.