Scott Downey
Well-Known Member
I see the pattern that democrat votes are overcounted, and republican votes undercounted often, not just here. There was a news blip recently how voting machines were rejecting republicans votes cast for republican candidates.While Jon the Conservative argues elsewhere that our rights flow from government and not from God, and that government act establishes truth--Heaven help the soul here that points out the Leftist leaning--something came through my newsfeed that I cannot not post here.
I've shied away from reporting on events in Maricopa because it would require more hours than I have in a day to track intelligently the back-and-forth in that recount. My touchstone there is the fact that the Democrats' and NeverTrumps' ferocious efforts to stop the count strike me as the actions of people with something to hide. Otherwise, they'd be there helping to prove they're right. Events in a small town in New Hampshire, though, are more interesting, because a low-key audit may reveal serious election anomalies harming Republicans.
Windham, New Hampshire, a town of 14,853 people, has long been a stalwart Republican stronghold in an otherwise Democrat state. As was the case throughout New Hampshire, it relied on AccuVote machines to collect and tally its 2020 votes.
When the election in Windham ended, Kristi St. Laurent, the Democrat candidate, had lost by only 24 votes. With that close a margin, she naturally demanded a hand recount.
The hand recount revealed something peculiar: St. Laurent hadn't lost by 24 votes; she'd lost by 420 votes. In a small election, that meant that her margin of defeat wasn't 0.005% but was, instead, 9.6%, which is a significant loss.
That same recount revealed an even greater anomaly: across the board, in every Windham election, Republicans had been shortchanged, and Democrats had been overcounted:
Those kinds of numbers manifestly demanded a full recount, which is what's happening now in Windham. And as with counts and recounts elsewhere, funny things are happening — not funny-ha-ha, but funny-peculiar:
Voting machines are obviously calculating machines, not tabulators. They are supposed to be tabulators only.
My view is republican politicians are more careful to uphold biblical ideas in their politics, while democrats support the devil's ideas openly and with no reservations.
Politicians own personal lives might not be so great, but it is the platform ideologies I want to support, not their individual life choices. Due to that, I can never vote for a democrat, I will always when I vote, vote for republicans. I also want less big government, the large socialist government control the democrats want applied to every single thing.