Well, if that is the best you can do, ok! What I notice is you are real quick to simply label something 'heresy' or 'hogwash' and short on explaining why that is. You simply hate the term 'mother of God' because you think it came about to elevate Mary and you won't even try to understand why the Church found it necessary to even define the term. Here is more of what you will probably label hogwash. In Biblical typology (I know, Baptists have precious little use for typology), in the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant is venerated by the Jews. The Ark contained the staff of Aaron, Manna, and Ten Commandments, the word of God; which God's own finger wrote to Moses. In the NT, Mary is a type of Ark. She carried Bread of Life, High Priest, and Word made flesh Jesus Christ.
I already posted the prophecy foretelling of a virgin who shall give birth to a male child, and he shall be called Emmanuel, God is with us. In order to do so, the mother of Jesus must be pure. For whatever God touches becomes sacred or Holy, does it not? Jesus' flesh himself is from Mary. If Mary had sin, it would mean Satan conquered Mary by having her sin. She never sinned. She is always the faithful "handmaid of the Lord." The Bible calls Mary, Blessed, and she is Full of Grace. If you are Full of Grace there is no room for anything else! Before you quote 'for ALL have sinned', let's ask ourselves, are there any exceptions to this (besides Mary) found in the bible. What about Enoch?
You fail to see that from the Bibler, NOT RCC traditions, God bypassed mary sinner nation, via Virgin birth, and allowed Humanity without sin to be received by God the Son, as his humanity in nature was like the first Adam when he was originally created!
there was ONLY one person in all of history who was virgin born , jesus, mary was not! She was just as much a sinner as you and me before saved by grace of God!