Oh for crying out loud. You are the one who wants the kid dead. Your post is a complete crock. You don't get to support pulling the plug and then call someone else's pro-life stance into question.
Here is my exact post no. 3.
Is turning the machines off killing or is it letting nature take its course?
As you see, neither the hospital nor the parents are mentioned. So .......................
Same old deceitful self I see and loving your juvenile games. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and simply say that it is obvious you are too much a dullard to understand my question. Of course this is consistent with how you have posted for a number of years. Anyone with a brain knows I broached the subject of keeping people alive artificially vs. letting nature take its course. I realize that is a subject that is too deep for you to discuss rationally or with any type of understanding. And you do love your juvenile replies. Bro. get a brain and grow up.