I am amazed at the mind-set that so adamantly rejects another's choice to potentially save a life THAT IS HERE AND NOW, but claims conservatives are the ones that do not care about life AFTER birth; which is it???????
These parents are the God selected overseers of this young life, and NO hospital/doctor/government has the right to deny them the POSSIBILITY (yes, possibility - there's always a first time for any medical breakthrough) of using their own money & time to utilize every possible chance of a cure as long as THEY take the responsibility for the child.
IMHO, this is just like the Terry Schavo (correct name??) in Florida that was STARVED TO DEATH by order of a GOVERNMENT edict. Her parents were willing to take full responsibility for her, but some judge (I still wonder about the motives of that judge) decided she had to be killed by starvation/dehydration. Of course the left kept yelling "Death with dignity", but the family had no say in this case.
Seems the left is, in reality, the
culture of death:
too much already spent; cannot be cured; no quality of life; abortion even after birth; euthanasia; yada, yada, yada!!
Perhaps this is the best choice for the tyke, BUT,
that choice rests with the family, those that truly love the child,