JohnDBaptiste said I could go on. But I know there are veterans who have it much worse than I ever had it. And the way this country benefits from military veterans it is abysmal the way they are treated!
I agree and we could start a thread on Veterans vs the VA and I'm sure some is positive but a lot of it is negative... Venting would just raise our blood pressure and who would listen anyway?... Brother Glen
I agree with your point Glen in one way... in one way this should be in a thread marked "Complaint Department." People generally don't want to hear about the complaints of others... generally.
But the way we Americans mistreat our veterans, feigning appreciation "thank you for your service... let's do lunch..." is horrific and far too commonplace and far too accepted.
Why stop there?
The way the Church has been darkened and desalinated and corralled away from the public square into our congregational meeting halls is horrific and far too commonplace and far too accepted.
God forbid we should complain about that...
Mine (my previous post) is but one small example of the glossed over. The mistreatment of the Vietnam vets is far worse far more glossed over and it's no wonder they don't join in as much with the recognition threads or church sermons that have the vets stand etc.
Sorry if I angered or offended any... I've said my piece.