<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you want to know what's wrong with our young people, just listen to their music. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Just change the words to "If you want to know what's wrong with our young people, just look at their upbringing.", and it becomes obvious how behavioristic this apprach is, even though we criticize the secularists and Christian psychologists for this. You cannot blame music styles for peoples' sins. Any sinfulness in the music is a symptom of a deeper problem , namely, sin (NOT the otherway around).
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Listen to the BOOM BOOM, BANG BANG, CRASH, BOP BOP of today's pop music. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
And while the beat may be used for sin, you still can't blame the beat as if it was what causedthe sin.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>1. CCM is not psalms.
2. CCM is not hymns.
3. CCM is not spiritual songs--rather fleshly, carnal, worldly. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This i not true, unless it's purely the sound that determines these categories. As I say on my page: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Often, when denouncing "rock", the critics will claim what we are supposed to listen to and sing is "Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" (Col.3:16). But many of the contemporary Christian songs they criticize are either modern "hymns" (odes) of praise to God, and some are taken right out of the Psalms or other scriptures. Most are at least "spiritual" in that they advocate Christian values, and teach or encourage the believers (as the Colossians passage is instructing us), even if they may not be loaded with deep theology, or have a largely human orientation. Can this even be said about classical pieces that don't even have words, or the national anthems, which are basically "hymns" of praise to our country (a fallible human institution, and one whose past is greatly over-romanticized and viewed as almost without sin!). The problem is in how you define "spiritual" (pneumatikos), meaning "non-carnal" (or "ethereal" as opposed to "gross" --Strong). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
From Theopolitan
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I wish Aaron was back!! He could open all these dismal "Scriptural" arguments up and gut them like a master swordsman. MagicDar, Wells, and Eric B wouldn't have known what hit them! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That's the whole problem. Scripture is constantly overridden ["gutted"] in favor of people's own arguments and claims. Why must we wait for one person to come back when we have the Bible which is supposed to be our final authority?
DHK again:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>1. One is the unwillingness to change--stubborness even when confronted with the truth. Your statement is "it won't change my belief." That's pretty dogmatic. In spite of what the Bible says, in spite of what glorifies God, in spite of the command "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise," to think on these things; in spite of the command to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; you would still say, "it won't change my belief!" Amazing! That's stubborness. Here is just one verse concerning this attitude: 1Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The question is, what is his "belief" he won't change? He's not saying "The scriptures say this, but I'm not changing my beliefs". The point is You say he's violating scripture, and he doesn't belive he is, so since therefore since it's you he's disputing, he can say you won't change his beliefs. You are assuming that what you are saying the scriptures say (that all contemporary styles violate those virtues) is so undeniably true that to deny it is to deny scripture. But as all of us are prone to misinterpreting scripture (including reading our own ideas into it), none of us have the right to take that kind of attitude
2. [answered by Rockfort]
Also, to dismiss someones claim of peace with God like that as just "emotion", you are are seriously violating scriptural teaching about conscience. An issue like this where God did not say that certain styles of music violate his character and the virtues He commands us to have, all we can have is our "feelings" of peace or conviction. God granted this o us in areas like this, else, He could have directly addressed the issue, as He did with countless other vices. We must trust that our brethren are obeying what God is telling tham, and we have no right to question that, unless we see that it violates the clear commands of scripture. If Dar or anoyone else of us is lying, and God is convicting us and we refuse to change, then we shall answer to Him for that. He did not ask any of us to try and determine people's hearts, because as Jeremiah says, we cannot even trust our own.