White Nationalists and Nazi's are far RIGHT. Your are simply parroting the Trump approach of saying your enemies are responsible for what you do.
Were the Nazis Socialists?
It's obvious you are suffering from Trump derangement syndrome as you are blaming everything on Trump. I suggest professional help.
You are unable to express your own views or even summarize the view of the leftist website Snopes. You are the one parroting - not me. Leftists normally accuse others of what they are guilty of.
Although the terms “left” and “right” as used in American politics can be somewhat less than perspicuous, they are helpful in delineating the basic ideological divide between liberalism/progressivism (as embodied mainly by the Democratic Party) on one side (“the left”), and conservatism/traditionalism (as embodied mainly by the Republican Party) on the other (“the right”). Seen as a spectrum or continuum of ideologies, socialism/communism traditionally falls on the far left end of this scale, nationalism/fascism on the far right.
No. It's not helpful.
Let's look at the issues.
1. Government control of the means of production. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
2. Censorship. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
3. Squashing Human rights. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
4. Mass executions. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
5. Taking advantage of poorly defended neighbors. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
6. Racism as Social Policy. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
7. Cult of personality. Hitler - Check : Tojo - Check : Stalin - Check : Mao - Check Kim - Check
I guess I could do an infinite number of examples and you'd still worship your propaganda.
The plain truth, writes Historian Richard J. Evans in The Coming of the Third Reich, was that Hitler and his party saw socialism, communism, and leftism generally as inimical to everything they hoped to achieve:
He's not the greatest historian in the world and you are taking him completely out context in his book. I really doubt you've bothered to read his trilogy. At times Hitler sided with and later opposed many groups on his way to complete power. Stalin opposed socialists and communists on his way to obtain complete power. Just because other communists were inimical to Stalin doesn't mean that Stalin wasn't a communist. Just because Trotsky was opposed by Stalin doesn't mean that Trotsky wasn't a communist. Stop being silly.
Can you stop parroting George Soros and think for yourself?