Only a fundamentalist would quote society which he usually thinks worships Satan to suit him and then state something with an exclamation point as if yelling it makes it so.
Society is what you've got?
Society also believe that we evolved from monkeys. Do you go with society on that one?
Furthermore, I shared with you a quote FROM A SURGEON GENERAL REPORT
that stated that pipe smokers live as long as everybody else and those who do not inhale (which is most) actually live longer.
I hope I don't have to explain to you why most pipe smokers do not inhale the smoke into their lungs.
You are speaking like you know so much about it- I hope I do not have to explain this to you.
You gave me one little quote from one report. I gave you two valid links, one of which was an extensive study. I could give you many more. There has been much research done on this topic. There is nothing good about tobacco of any kind. Researching the topic does make me an expert. When one reads enough on any one subject; studies enough about it they become "an expert" in that field. You refuse to face facts.
Again you want to justify your vices no matter what the cost.
At least Spurgeon had the good sense to give up pipe smoking when he realized how wrong it was.
I said nothing about society. I quoted to you a report which gave solid reasons why a person should give up smoking--all smoking (including pipes), and including medical reasons. How do you attribute that to society? You are a hypocrite. You expect me to accept your report based on medical science but you don't want to accept mine based on the same science.
I hate the pot culture. I despise the hippy culture. I am a big, white, southern, dyed in the wool republican with short hair and an NRA membership card in my wallet. I want Rick Perry to be the next president or Mike Huckabee.
Good. But there are many that are pushing for the legalization of Marijuana giving the very reason you give--moderation. They contend that it is far easier and safer to control marijuana intake than it is alcohol intake. So why is moderation right in alcohol but wrong in marijuana?