You seem to not be comprehending.
I do comprehend what is being discussed
When you originally made the comment that one can only believe in Calvinism by Divine Enablement, and gave Matt 13 as support, which is a passage distinguishing between the lost and the saved,
The first group of quotes showed that God reveals His truth to His sheep.
Calvinism is the teaching of God's truth. God saves His sheep, God instructs His sheep.
Disobedience on the part of the sheep, a proud spirit, self will can hinder the reception of the truth in the same way a husband who does not dwell with his wife according to knowledge has his prayers hindered
Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life;
that your prayers be not hindered
therefore another declaration that unless one believes in Calvinism they are not saved,
If someone does not believe in the truth they will not be saved...If God is the one who reveals truth to His sheep, He will give them what they need.
The scripture speaks of many who perish because they do not receive a love of the truth.
I thought you were outside the camp of Calvinist. However, after questioning the board of Calvinist, it became apparent that they all believed just as you declared concerning Calvinism in association with the lost and the saved.
Not everyone holds or believes as I do...some are firmer, some are more soft. Others might agree in general but not be comfortable defending what I say. I will defend what i say.
Now, as far as the Holy Spirit illuminating Jesus' sheep to God's Word, absolutely, no non-Cal would disagree.
So then this dispute is about what is the content of the TRUTH...not about whether or not a person must be illuminated by the Spirit.
What we disagree with is Calvinist claims to the Holy Spirit teaching TULIP to His sheep.
I understand it as the truth of God so of course He will teach it.
TULIP is nothing more than a manmade composition trying to explain God's Word. The only thing the Holy Spirit illuminates is God's Word, not TULIP commentary
I think you say this because you do not have a firm grasp on it yet. Depending on how things are asked and explained makes a difference.
I could ask you questions on the L in a way that you would respond to the questions with a yes answer on most all of in effect you would agree to the truth without actually realizing it.
Was the work of Jesus on the cross perfect?
Does the blood of Jesus save everyone who is covered by it?
Is everyone who is saved , saved by the blood of Jesus?
Can anyone be saved by any other way?
If they believe the bible they must believe in the verses on election and predestination. They might have been given the wrong information about it, but in time they will see it.
The teaching of Calvinism= the truth of God. Jesus and the Apostles taught these things. Theologians have seen these truths in the word of God.