You cannot keep those commands and have slavery as it was practiced in the USA.
You have no doubt confused obedience to the commands with inability to have total authority over another person's welfare and duties.
They do not.
Not all slavery "as it was practiced in the USA" was brutal and hurtful.
"Property" is to increase in value. If one harms the "property" the value diminishes. Slave holders were businessmen.
According to the historical documentation (some of what I put on line in video form) shows that ill treatment was not brutal and hurtful in the vast majority of the south.
Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson owned (if I recall correctly) about 6 to 9 slaves. Look at the link I provided and see his conduct toward those in whom he had charge as well as his reputation among the slaves.
So you are saying your would not mind being treated as a slave?
Totally not the question.
The question: Is slavery condemned in the Scriptures as evil?
Again, so if you are treated well, you would not mind being a slave?
What I would or would not is not part of deciding what is right and what is evil.
Feelings have very little to do with what is right and wrong in the sight of God.
Not as practiced in the USA. Slaves in that time were not sold as property in the marketplace. They were not hunted as free folk were hunted in Africa.
Again, doesn't matter.
The question: Is slavery condemned in the Scriptures by God as being evil.
Slavery at that time was very different than what was practiced here.
Again, doesn't matter.
The question: Is slavery condemned in the Scriptures by God as being evil.
Human mistreatment towards other humankind has also been a part of the fabric from the time Cain slew Able.
Paul's actions doe not mean God approved.
Doesn't matter.
There is no statement that God disproved the actions and statements of Paul.
Fact is, that Paul's letters are part of the Scriptures, it would show all the more that God did in fact approve.
Treat others as you want to be treated. Do you want to be treated as slave?
Doesn't matter what I "feel."
What matters is what the Scriptures state.
There has been no Scriptures showing that Slavery is evil and not Scriptural.
The treatment is certainly regulated and the Scriptures do speak very specifically about that issue.
But the Scriptures do not condemn slavery as evil.
But not bought and sold as property.
True and in the Slave Narratives there are those who said they had good masters. But that did not mean they liked being slaves and did not mean they approved of slavery.
Doesn't matter. Again, you seem to base what is right and wrong upon what feelings are attached.
There are any number of things that happen to people they may rather not have happen.
The question: Is slavery condemned in the Scriptures as evil.
I would say that ill treatment was the norm.
Sure, you can "say it" but it has no factual foundation. I can just as well make the claim that the slaves were treated very well in comparison to the living conditions of those left in their original homeland. Certainly, the Hebrews had no desire to be enslaved - but they were.
But the real question remains: Is there Scriptural proof that slavery is condemned as evil.
Love your neighbor as yourself. You cannot hold a person in bondagae and at the same time love him/her.
That is merely your own feelings.
There are no prerequisites nor conditions that must be met or the command is disavowed.
The basic question remains: Does Scripture condemn slavery as evil.
The answer - no.
Certainly, the ill treatment of a slave is condemned, but not the condition, itself.
But look carefully at what Paul states in Ephesians 6:
5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ; 6 not by way of eye service, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. 7 With good will render service, as to the Lord, and not to men, 8 knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether slave or free.
See, it isn't slavery is evil; rather, it is that the treatment needed to meet a certain level of expectation both by the slaver holder and the slave.