Good Golly Miss Molly.
Agedman, your inability to recognize slavery as practiced in the south was cruel, wicked, sinful, wrong and heinous is beyond belief.
Van, I never stated that I did not recognize "slavery as practiced in the south was cruel, wicked, sinful, wrong and heinous" - blanket condemnation is wrong. Not EVERY practice of slavery in the south was "cruel, wicked, sinful, wrong and heinous."
I also said was that the conditions of the south were actually better and provided more humane treatment then the north provided for the immigrants.
It is historically accurate to state the living conditions of the inner city were hellish in comparison to the southern slave living. The lack of housing and proper sanitation, no healthcare, starvation, forced prostitution, black lists, lack of nutrition, violence, murders, rapes, pollution, ... the list goes on and on.
The North continues to point to others sin, to distract from their own unrighteousness and taking accountability for their own deceitfulness.
Had the North (that had the control of government) produced laws regulating such matters, they would have gone broke trying to make amends concerning their own sinfulness.
Rather, the typical Yankee deceitfulness and greed has always been a subject that has long been covered up and avoided.
Evil hearted are not bound by geography.
1) You can deny how many times I have mentioned the golden rule, but they are there in the thread and prove you present falsehoods one after the other.
The "golden rule" does not state God condemns slavery as evil.
The "golden rule" is all about
treating others humanely.
You confuse and blend the evil
treatment of slaves as God condemning the
ownership of slaves.
Yankees have such a grand history of following closely the "golden rule" in treating others. - NOT!
2) Treating others as subhumans is evil. Today, we treat those not yet born as subhumans and murder them by the millions. In my lifetime, i.e. WWII, millions of Jews were treated as subhuman and murdered.
Evil hearted will always treat others with evil actions.
3) The Slave trade "lost" up to 50% of those brought from Africa and since at least 10 million were brought, perhaps 3-5 million died before reaching their kindly American owners.
Since the beginnings of the illegal drug trade, millions have died. Does that make all pharmacies and drug companies, evil?
You mix and blend the ways of the slave markets with whether or not God condemns slavery - they are incompatible.
The Scriptures do not condemn owning a slave.
The Scriptures teach about the treatment and conditions of owning a slave.
They are two separate issues.
4) Only the irrational would claim folks were escaping from the bountiful life on plantations and risk life and limb to "follow the drinking gourd" if life as a free man in the north was worse. These sort of arguments are for fools.
See how you are denigrating and demeaning the character of folks.
What right do you have of claiming something evil that God does not?
God appointed Joseph to slavery - was God evil?
Paul condoned slavery - was Paul evil?
5) Slavery, as practiced in the South, is condemned by God because it violates the golden rule. I for one would not want to be kidnapped, beaten, chained, abused, or murdered.
Until you recognize that
God does not condemn slavery, but
does condemn evil treatment of any living creature, your argument will never stand as Scriptural.