You are straying from my original post and thus lost its meaning. Go back and read what I wrote in response to your own experience with "liberal progressive" Christians, though the ones I've dialogued with would be better labeled Progressive Left Christians. The comments are in relation to their thinking not mine. I'm a Christian, but neither a Progressive Leftist nor a liberal progressive. If you want to argue this, you'll need to argue with them. Good luck with that.
I have no interest, really it doesn’t concern me. My interest lies in my continued relationship with my Lord and savior first, then my wife and family, then my making money.
It is interesting to me at least that I live in a state that has had no riots, no looting, no arson etc. we all live in a state of mutual harmony and respect without the apparent haters portrayed by the media. I’ve not experienced any of that vitriol. My wife yesterday cried when she saw a panhandler in our community, standing in the exit area of a mini mall where we picked up groceries and her prescription drugs for her cancer. This was noteworthy because she is normally a stoic and I’ve not seen her shed a tear all through her 2 month hospitalization, her cancer treatments, her not being able to see her family because of COVID, etc. but she began to cry... really cry at the sight of this panhandler. That was a moving moment and one that brought me closer to her.
maybe my community, my state, my home may look odd to you, heartless to you, liberal to you but they are Jersey Tough and they generally work together, pray together and love one another irregardless of held political positions, race, economics etc.