Only one soil accepted the gospel. The other were pretenders. The rest heard ακουσωσιν, but only the 4th ραπαδεχονται. See Mark's version.
Mark 4:1-12 teaches the same truth, Total Spiritual Inability is bogus doctrine.
Im Matthew's account only the 4th were said to understand (συνεις). Only they are lovers of God.
But the second soil received the word with joy, clearly understanding the message of salvation.
The rich young ruler wanted eternal life. No indication he loved God. He loved his wealth.
But he was seeking God to learn how to obtain eternal life, clearly demonstrating some spiritual ability.
Woman at the well. On what grounds to say she loved Jesus, but choose the darkness over Him, because her love of the darkness was greater? There is nothing there to suggest such.
She knew of the coming Messiah, and she thought Jesus was the Messiah, therefore she had some spiritual ability.
Romans 9 scripture you suggested shows jewish pursuit of the law. Not love for Jesus. Your arguments are how you say, "an empty sack".
No Sir, your rebuttal is the empty sack. I said these passages show spiritual ability, the pursuit of God, and you change it to the claim I said these people loved Jesus.
You are reading way too much into scripture to see things that are not present.
I believe Scripture means what it says, and it says fallen people can understand spiritual milk.
I also like how you use the phrase "case closed". Like you have to some authority to declare such. You are using liberal tactics that you accuse several other people of who disagree with you.
The case is closed, the evidence is in, and the truth has been made obvious.
So anyway, back to my challenge. Show me a place where someone loved the light (Jesus) , but loved the darkness more.
I did show you where people demonstrated some spiritual ability demonstrating the doctrine of total spiritual inability is bogus.
BTW here is my quote, unaltered:
The rich young ruler was
seeking eternal life. The people of
Matthew 23:13 were
seeking God. Romans 9:30-33 gives examples of
people seeking God in various ways.
Matthew 13:1-23 shows
3 soils that were receptive to the gospel. The woman at the well. Scrpture is full of examples. And John does not contradict himself. But sometimes interpretations create that issue.
Returning to topic, loose translations create the opportunity for speculation which is the mother of false doctrine.