I do not believe I have misrepresented Piper at all, he is still telling you to do certain things.
He says to read the Bible. That is good, but does it prove you are saved?
He says to confess your sins. Again, very good, but how does that assure you? How does it guarantee you are one of the elect?
He says to exalt Christ. Very good, but does that prove you are saved?
He says to resolve to conquer unloving attitudes and behavior.
Again to plead for forgiveness.
Live for the eternal good of others.
Now, these are all wonderful things that every Christian should do, but exactly how do these things make you sure you are elect?
The problem in Calvinism is that you believe many people ACT saved. They go through all the motions, they act religious, they do good works, but they are not saved. I fail to see how telling a person to do all these good things (and they are all very good things) proves you are saved.
Compare this to a sermon by John R. Rice;
http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Book...ks/Dr John Rice/Converts/assurance-chap_1.htm
Now, this sermon can be summed up simply as Believe the Word of God.
It is that simple, believe the promises of God.
Can you know you are forgiven, and know that you are going to Heaven? Yes, you can. In II Timothy 1:12 Paul says, "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." "I know whom I have believed." It is already done. I have already believed. Not "I am believing," but by an act of faith I committed myself to Christ, I relied on Christ. "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded (or convinced) that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him." Now Paul committed himself and the saving of his soul to the Lord. He said. "And I know He will keep what I have already committed to Him." Paul knew he was saved.
Piper NEVER said to simply believe God's promises. The scriptures say, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Rom 10:13)
If you have called on Jesus sincerely to forgive your sins and save you, and you trust and depend upon him only to save you, you can know for an absolute certainty you are saved.
It is amazing that Calvinists rarely claim the word of God to assure themselves of salvation.