As we continue, the tally continues to rise against the straw man false accusation that the Calvinists/Reformed/DoG don't know if they're saved or elect. To the contrary Calvinists/Reformed/DoG do, in fact, have full assurance of salvation and election. We're aware enough of Scripture that being elect and saved are synonymous while some anti-calvies tuck tail like a beat dog when they even hear the word elect.
You non-calvies have brought nothing unless you consider straw man arguments, out of context passages, erroneous 'circular reasoning' copout accusations because you just got thumped by the Word, and smart alecked name calling by James bringing 'something'. Nevertheless, congrats non-calvies, you've been owned!!! :thumbsup: :applause:
Not to mention a couple of irrefutable passages proving we can know election, namely 2 Peter 1:10, 1 Thess. 1:4 (and a few other pesky Epistles that call us point blank 'elect').
Who are you trying to convince? I have already showed where John Piper said lack of assurance was a MAJOR problem among his people.
Here is another Calvinist writer who confirms this;
It may surprise you to know that just about every contact I have had with people who are doubting their salvation are Calvinistic in their theology. In other words, they believe in unconditional election. These are the ones who believe in perseverance of the saints. These are the ones that believe that we cannot lose our salvation! Yet these are the ones who are doubting their faith the most.
Their issue has to do with their election. Are they truly among the elect? If they are, they believe their faith will persevere until the end. But if they are not, there is no hope. But how are they to know for sure whether they are elect? Maybe their faith is a stated faith? Maybe it is false. The gentleman I talked to today was so riddled with doubt, he was having thoughts of suicide. “How do I know my faith is an elect faith?” He wanted assurance so badly, but felt that his Calvinistic theology prevented him from ever having such assurance.
Isn’t this ironic? I have never had a call from an Arminian (or any other believer in conditional election) about this. In my experience, it is only Calvinists who doubt their faith in this way, with such traumatic devastation. Why?
This fellow is a Calvinist himself
First, every reader needs to know that I am a Calvinist.
If I had never read Piper or this other fellow's article, I would already know that Calvinists doubt their salvation. I can put myself in your shoes and imagine what it is like to be a Calvinist. The first question that would pop into my mind is;
Now, I take religion very seriously, I know this would trouble me greatly. So, I know for a fact that many Calvinists doubt their salvation. You can tell me all day and night you do not doubt, I know better.
Piper and this other writer are honest enough to admit it. You are never going to solve the problem by denying the problem exists.
The problem is Limited Atonement, if you believe Jesus only died for some people, then you can never be absolutely sure Jesus died for you.
The answer? Limited Atonement is false. All of Calvinism is false, but if you had to reject only one letter, L is the letter to reject. There are many 4 point Calvinists, and almost all of them reject Limited Atonement. Why? Because the lack of assurance is too much to take.
So, if you want to go on pretending this is not a problem for Calvinists, go ahead, your loss.