Well-Known Member
Webdog--you got it so right!
But to answer Zaac--who says Christians are not trying to do away with heterosexual fornication and lust on tv? I know many Christian families that shun tv altogether, and some that have it but connect only to a dvd player and select only high quality shows, sans the commercials.
I'm aware of this. But the average "Christian" watching the same stuff with the same heterosexual fornication and lust that the world is watching.
But I've never seen, to be honest, any person openly engaging in adultery or fornication ask a local church to hold a ceremony to bless that, as the gays have one church in our town. Never saw, for that matter, an addict or alcoholic bring their booze or dope to church to get blessed for their relationship with it, either.
And folks keep making comments or comments akin to it. I remember Leave it to Beaver and they wouldn't even show them sleeping in the same bed. And now it's unmarried folks in bed and simulating any and everything. They don't have to ask us to bless it anymore because we watch it and have assimiltaed it into our lives as entertainment. There's not much need to say anything about Will and Grace when our kids ae watching Gossip Girl.
Now I do agree some come asking to be blessed for a second marriage without scriptural grounds for divorce from the first marriage are asking for adultery to be blessed. But hopefully very few churches would do so.
Never saw a couple that was just shacking up come and ask for a church ceremony for it, either.
They don't have to. They do it all the time on tv and we condone it.
So let us be perfectly honest: Christians are NOT all that focused on homosexuality.
Yes we are.
The gays and lesbians are bringing this fight into the church THEMSELVES, then get all offended when someone tells them NO.
If I had someone condoning by their actions every other type of sin, but pointing the finger at mine, I'd be bringing the fight to them to.