This is the absurdness of it right here. The fight was waged. We lost. It happened during the "sexual revolution." It was already forced on us. Ever watch TV? Surf the internet? Read a magazine? Sweet francis man, you cannot watch a "G" rated family show on a kids channel with some bra/underwear commercial with mostly nude people on it. It's forced on us constantly. To say otherwise is lying.
The simple truth is, and this is proven every time there is an argument about homosexuality, even with Phil Robertson and that who stupid thing, it came down to two men kissing and having, well, guess I would get banned if I said it. So, two men doing the "hokey pokey." It makes people feel icky and men feel threatened. If it was purely lesbianism, especially lipstick lesbians, the fight would have been over years ago.
Simple truth, no one is going to hell for being gay. They are going to hell for a lack of a personal savior. Someone they tend to not stick around to hear about because "Christians" spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince everyone that this one sin is special. It's the end all be all unforgivable sin that is going to destroy the world. Forget the rape, the murder, child molestation, torture, sex slave trade, etc., we gotta get them queers.
Very well said and dead on point,but only to be acknowledged by a hadfull on here just as in the corporate church. A lot of Christians seem to like issues and are more concerned about being right about the issues than they are about loving folks to Christ.
It was already forced upon us as you said and IS forced upon us constantly. The ones who want us to accept the heterosexual fonication and lust don't have to take legal action because we've already rolled over and assimilated it into our lives.
But to then, very hypocritically, go after homosexual anything as though holiness suddenly means something to us while ignoring all of the heterosexual fornication and lust that is accepted by us everyday is downright,wickedly sinful. But something, once again, that an unrepentant church will not repent of because they think the behavior is okay.
Scripture tells us
12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,. Matt. 24:12. The principle applies outside the Tribulation period also.
There has been a steady increase in wickedness within the church. But the folks within the church don't want to accept that the increase in wickednes in the world is a direct result of the increase of wickedness within the church.
With over 200,000 to 300,000 Protestant "Christian" churches in the United States and new churches always starting, why is the land still so dirty and corrupt?
The old church turned the world upside down. What is the church today doing?
If we want to see change, deal with the sin WITHIN the church and lovingly point the ones outside the church to Christ.
But there appears to be too much unrepentant wickedness within the church to recognize the need love people rather than convince them you're right about an issue.