Will you admi tthat homosexuality is ONLY sin practice/behaviour that as its followers wanting to get it acceptable in christianity now? NO muderers/raptist/childmolesters groups in churches advocating that is acceptable living!
Nope. Won't admit any such thing because there are plenty of gluttons and greedy folks and immodest dressers, and idolators in the church who want their stuff acceptable too.
And will you adnit that once saved, Jesus demands them to repent and forsake that sin practice and behaviour?
Will you admit that He expects the same thing of gluttons, immodest dressers, pill poppers, etc too? Will you admit that He expects the same thing of folks who just couldn't seem to love anyone but themselves and those like them?
Will you admit that He expects he same thingof folks who disrespect the authority He's placed over them.
I visit a lot of churches. Some majority Black, some majority White. But the majority white churches never seem to have a problem disrespecting President Obama and his administration. The churches seem to be fine with accepting this sin.
So again, unless you're going to rant and rave about all the other sin too that you seem to conveniently want to ignore because it gets ignored as sin by the church and is accepted because so many in the church are doing it, then just HUSH.
he demands me to forake and repent of telling lies, of lusting, so why woudl he not demand them to stop their sinful living?
Who said otherwise? The question remains why you and so many others in the church make so much noise about the homosexuals sin but gloss over and ignore all the other sin within the church that has been "accepted"?
I mean for goodness sake. The evangelical church threw its support behind a man for PResident who is 100% against Jesus Christ and there has yet to be any public declaration of repentance by any of you who supported that anti-Christ. Believe me, it was no display of a love for Christ.
And as in that situation, so many in the church, like you, continue to rant about homosexual sin while ignoring the sin of the church.
Deal with the sin within the church if you want folks outside the church to listen.
Or hypocritically continue to ignore your own sin while pointing theirs out and see just how many of them listen to you.
It'slike your heads are collectively made of rock. You're so set on winning an argument over an issue that you continue to show nothing of love in your turning folks away from Christ.
It's despicable yet you and others insist on screaming you're going to hell and you're an abomination and your sexual sin is worse than all other sexual sins.
It's pure wickedness for which the church will give an account.