Obama supporters have forgotten the role Democrats (starting with Bill Clinton) played in bringing about the crisis that caused the bail out. Pressure, pressure, pressure on lending institutions to give home loans to people who would not otherwise qualify. That has been documented in many threads.
Obama supporters forget that even though there has been a Republican president for 8 years, the Democrats have controlled both houses for several years and did NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING to curtail the financial crisis. NOTHING. Easy to finger point at the other party. How about pointing fingers at your own liberal policies for a change? At least conservatives will be honest and admit when Republicans drop the ball. Liberals (Democrats) never want to accept responsibility for anything, it appears. Can I stomach more years of Nancy do-nothing screeching Pelosi or mean and hateful Harry Reed? Nope. God help us if we have our whole country controlled by Democrats - you think there are no jobs now and people are having it rough, you ain't seen nothing til you see socialists totally in power, people. Wake up!