This sort of argument ignores that if God created us in His image, with the ability to choose life or death, then our faith, if we choose life, is a result of that gift of capacity.
We are not talking about capacity. We are talking about faith. Where does IT come from? That is the question.
This is a false dicotomy, other alternatives exist. God grants us the gift of His revelation, the milk of the gospel, so our faith is not ex nihilo (out of nothing) but based on the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ.
Which is another way of saying that faith comes from God via the means of "revelation, the milk of the Gospel..."
God gives us the capacity to put our faith in Christ at conception. God gives us His revelation through His word and His witnesses. Thus our faith is in response to being drawn by the lovingkindness of God.
We're not talking about capacity, we're talking about FAITH.
I have a gun. I also have the capacity to raise it and fire it. But you don't care about where my capacity to shoot the gun comes from. You care about where the GUN comes from.
If you ask me where the gun comes from and I just keep deflecting and talking about my capacity to fire it, you are going to think I am avoiding the real issue at hand- where the GUN came from.
That is what you are doing here. We are not talking about the CAPACITY for faith- we are talking about FAITH.
God grants the capacity for faith- fine. I have the capacity to fire the gun. Where does the gun come from? Where does the FAITH come from?
That is the issue.
Do you generate it, or does GOD generate it? That is the question.
This often repeated piece of marlarky boggles the mind. All of us have believed one thing, and then upon further review, i.e. additional information, we change our minds and choose to believe something else.
No, no. We do not CHOOSE to change our minds. We change our minds because WE HAVE BEEN PERSUADED that what we believed was wrong.
We believe things EVEN FALSELY because of something that happens TO US. We do not CHOOSE to beleive in the sun. We believe because evidence has flooded our lives with proof.
You cannot CHOOSE to stop believing in the sun.
Belief is not an act of volition.
I repeat: Belief is not an act of volition.
The Bible says God sets before us the choice of life or death, Calvinism claims God made a mistake because we are unable to choose. Marlarky!!
Calvinism does not say that God made a mistake. Calvinism says God is making a POINT.
My small son wants a piece of candy. I want him to appreciate the fact that he is a child and dependent. I also want to show him that I, his father, love him and will do things for him that he cannot do for himself.
I hand him the piece of candy in the wrapper and say, "Open it."
He struggles. He cannot. When he finally gives up, he looks at me forlorn and says, "I can't."
Then I take it from his humbled hands and open it for him and warmly place it into his hands that are now ready to receive more than just candy- they are ready to receive life altering truth.
Did I make a MISTAKE when I said, "Open it." No. I made a point.
So does God. God commands us to be perfect even as he is perfect. Can you?
Can you?
Can you be as perfect as God is?
Answer the question. Can you?
No. You can't.
Did God make a mistake when he said that? No. He made a point.
Note the pattern of arguments based on the wisdom of men, rather than scripture which says faith comes from hearing the word of God, i.e. God's revelation to us over time.
Right faith comes from... God.
Faith comes from God VIA the hearing of His Word.
Faith comes from God.
This verse proves my point.
Here we have a Calvinist trying to sound biblical. However Calvinism teaches no one can be persuaded
Wrong. You don't know what Calvinism is- obviously.
because they have total spiritual inability.
Which he overcomes by his Spirit THROUGH HIS WORD.
And then those altered by irresistible grace are compelled to come to faith, redefining persuade to mean compel.
To persuade is PRECISELY to
You are making my points for me.
This claim based on personal incredulity denies scripture which says God sets before us the CHOICE of life or death, not death only for the lost, and life only for those altered by the so-called irresistible grace. This Calvinist view directly denies scripture.
Addressed above.
Yet another argument against scripture based on the wisdom of men. Calvinism redefines choice to mean non-choice. It is an unbiblical invention of men.
How so?