A week ago this last sunday, God truly blessed me to preach this message at a local church that should be applicable here. Here's a synopsis of it. Mind you, I did not have note, but I took my sermon from Isaiah 55:1-7 with the emphasis on verses 6 and 7.
Before we can react, God had to act. According to how we record time, God acted a little over 2,000 years ago by sending His Son to die for us. So before we can react, we need something to react to. We have the gospel whereby we can be saved. Now, we then have to hear the gospel. Not with the natural ears, if that was so, those who were naturally dead, would have no chance whatsoever. It takes hearing the gospel with the "inner ears", the ears of the "inner man". After hearing, we have to be obedient to what we hear/heard. Then after obeying what we hear/heard, we have to receive that which we hear/heard. After receiving what we hear/heard, we need to be baptized. Now, baptism doesn't save us, but it is a symbol of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and if we are able, need to be baptized. Now, with each step, I brought out scriptures to support what I was preaching. Read Acts 8:26-39 and see that that passage supports everything I was blessed to bring out.
So, to break it down to it's simplest terms, God acts, we react to the gospel we hear, obey, receive and them baptism.
Contrary to popular belief amongst some, the Gospel isn't complex, but simple. God deals with us in a way we can understand. In college, I took psychology. In that class, we discussed how that when two people talk, the one who is smarter, has to come down to the level of the one who isn't as smart, because the less intelligent person can't come up to his/her level, but the smarter one can come down to their level. It's like how we talk with babies. If we talked like adults to them, it would go over their head. That's why you do teach calculus in 1st grade. God deals with us on our level so that we can truly understand that which we hear. The plan of salvation isn't rocket science.