Note how the Calvinist dismisses scriptural truth as beside the point. I answered, referring to scripture, yet the answer is ignored, deflection. Then the already answered question is asked again. Stonewalling.
You ignored the questoin by talking about capacity to believe rather than talking about the actual subject which is FAITH.
The capacity for faith and faith itself is NOT the same thing.
The question is "Where does faith come from?"
What a joke. Saying faith comes from God's revelation, the scriptural view, is not the same as saying faith comes from within us ex nihilo. All Calvinism has is shuck and jive.
Faith DOES come from revelation. Where does revelation come from?
Wait for it...
So faith comes from... here it is... don't miss it... here it comes... GOD.
God imparts faith, God gives faith through his WORD.
That is Calvinism.
Faith comes from God.
Got it yet?
1) Calvinism claims we have no capacity to trust in Jesus. That is false and unscriptural.
Capacity, capacity, capacity, capacity...
Talk about the SUBJECT AT HAND- FAITH. Not CAPACITY for faith.
2) Faith comes from the revelation of God, the milk of the gospel. God draws us with His lovingkindness, revealed in the gospel, and either we respond in love or we choose some other path.
It's not about RESPONDING.
This is where you Arminians miss it.
Salvation is not by grace through RESPONDING.
Salvation is by grace through FAITH.
You have to change the terms because the terms lead to Calvinism.
You have to replace FAITH, which is NOT a choice, with RESPONDING because you believe this weird, unbiblical doctrine that God saves by grace through CHOICE.
You do not CHOOSE to believe things. You are persuaded to believe them.
Did you choose to believe in gravity? You have avoided that question like the plague, and I know why.
Asked and answered numerous times. Thus just more stonewalling. We choose to trust in Christ,
How does that work. Describe that for us. How do you choose to believe something?
Give us an illustration.
You can't.
You can choose whether or not to listen and observe the evidence. But once you've observed it you cannot choose whether or not to believe it. It is EITHER persuasive or it is not.
You have no choice in whether or not you believe it.
A man may deny the existence of the sun in the sky. You may try to get him outside the cave to look at it and he may choose NOT to go.
But if he ever sees the evidence he will have NO CHOICE but to believe it.
He may continue to DENY that he believes it, but the FACT is that he has BEEN persuaded. Choice is not an issue.
we are not compelled to trust in Christ by irresistible grace. As pointed out again and again, Matthew 23:13 teaches lost unregenerate men of flesh were entering heaven, therefore they were responding to God's revelation without supernatural compulsion.
not unregenerate.
However, they we blocked by false teaching, showing they made a choice based on bogus information. Calvinism is unscriptural to the max.
Showing they were not persuaded. Not showing choice. Not choice. That's not there. You make this crud up then you fool yourself into believing it.
Note the assertion denies scriptural over and over, with examples of folks deciding for Christ and against Christ.
Not DECIDING. Believing or not believing. Not deciding. Once again you make crud up.
Yet another repeat that God got it wrong when He set the Choice of life or death before us. Calvinism claims we cannot make a choice, but God does.
This is just willful blindness. You are like the man who will not look into the sky for fear that the evidence will persuade him.
The Bible teaches Calvinism. You just refuse to see it.
Note the denial does not address the fact God says we make choices and Calvinism claims we cannot.
We make MILLIONS of choices.
MILLIONS of choices. EVERY Calvinist on earth affirms this. You don't know beans from apple butter about Calvinism and this is proof.
How can you argue against something which you know so little about??
What I am saying is that we do not CHOOSE to believe in ANYTHING.
Not that we make NO choices period.
Belief is the result of having been persuaded. It is not the result of choice.
More chestnuts from the bin of falsehoods of Calvinism. I am perfect in Christ is the answer. But on my own, I cannot be perfect. This is the call of the gospel to be perfect.
But I'll employ another example rather than go round and round with you on that.
Does God command you to always keep his commandments?
Does he know you can't?
Did God make a mistake telling you to do something you can't do?
Then why does God tell us to do things we cannot do?
To show us that we need a Savior.
Yet another word redefined by Calvinism. Persuasion allows the person to believe or not,
Persuasion allows???
Where do you get this crud from??
Cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Cause (someone) to believe something, esp. after a sustained effort; convince.
Van, the number one person you have deceived is yourself. I have proven this in this post.
You make crud up to KEEP yourself from seeing the light.
You redefine terms while accusing me of redefining terms.
I am right about persuasion and you are wrong.
But you will blind yourself rather than see the evidence and... yes... BE PERSUADED.
Admit it.
You are wrong.
Go ahead. raise the white flag.
Say it. Say, "I was wrong about what it means to persuade. This means I might be wrong about all kinds of other things as well. Calvinism is probably what the Bible teaches but I have obstinately blinded myself from seeing it"
Go ahead.
You can do it.
Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me...