This remains the biggest hang up I find with predestination.
It is for those who have the wrong understanding of it.
If God has predestined only a few to salvation, then why is it not likewise correct to say God has predestined the remainder to eternal damnation?
This is a fair and honest question you pose here,
mon ami. When Adam fell, he did so of his own accord, his own choice, his own volition. God never tempted him, never shoved him towards that tree, never twisted his arm and made him eat of it; Adam freely chose to eat. Now, when he fell, we fell, he being our representative. God would have been holy, just, good, but not merciful, if he chose to not save even one sinner. This is where predestination and election kicks in. God chose a # that no one can #, gave them to the Lamb slain from the creation of the world to die for, atone for, lay in the tomb 3 days and nights for, to arise for, to ascend for, and finally come back for. If God had chosen to save 'goose-egg', would He still be just,
mon ami? Was God just to withhold grace from Satan and his angels when they sinned? Remember, Angels are created beings too, just not in God's image and likeness. Was God just to punish His Son on the cross, for sins He never committed?
At least, from what I can tell, John Piper owns up that "double predestination" is a requisite. After all, if God has not "elected" someone to eternal life, then how are they still to blame for their own damnation? They cannot change their fate, yet they are somehow responsible. God demands all men everywhere to repent, yet never provides them the opportunity to repent, and then God blames them for never doing what He never gave them the opportunity to do in the first place.
mon ami, Jesus told the woman who had been caught in adultery to 'go and sin no more.' Now, was that a command or a mere suggestion? Was she able to 'go and sin no more?' Were you able to 'go and sin no more' after God saved you? God does give commands we can not keep, and punishes people for not doing what He commanded. Look at the Jews after God commanded them to keep the Law. Look where it says to 'be holy as He is holy.' This is His way of showing us our need of Him and not our self-reliance,