Active Member
You are splitting hairs with impressionsTo be denied something implies that you either deserved it and were denied, or your earned it and were denied. NNE deserves Eternal Life, and N
NE has earned Eternal Life so Eternal Life is not something that can be denied to anyone.
Everyone deserves Hell, that is the the plain and simple truth. We all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death. We both deserve hell, and have earned hell. Only hell can be denied to a sinner, and that is done by the Grace of God, through Faith Alone in the the death and resurrection of Jesus.
All of us deserve hell I agree
What I disagree is the notion that from this hell-bent(pun) pile, He picks some and 'dooms' them for heaven leaving the rest to burn.
God is not offering a lifeline to humanity at the cross, He is merely grooming the few he selected for eternity with Him. Calvary is essentially for these few.
God who is not willing that ANY may perish (2Peter 3:9),and who gave His only begotten Son that WHOSOEVER (John 3:16) believe that in Him may not perish,is ONLY concerned with these few.
Can you smell contradiction?