Sir, that is a very rude response. Romans 13 condemns most talk of politics on this Baptist Board. Where is the honor and respect due all our leaders? Where is the open submission to our leaders as long as they don't command us to sin? Where is our faith that whatever the means, those God wants for His own reasons to be in power, are in power?
I disagree with abandoning politics and the art and science of rulership. However, JonC has some good points thatg politics, like IMO sports, can easily entangle us in the world causing us to lose sight of the need to spread the Gospel, serve others, build up the church, and carry our Cross.
Any thing can become an idol, can come between you and God. Politics, sports, and religion can come between you and God.
God will certainly establish the rulers that He wants for His purpose. Did He place Hitler and Stalin in power? Yes He did for His purposes. If one is a Christian in Germany at that time, should he 'obey the powers that be'? Funny how that excuse is mocked by most when a German guard says 'I was just obeying orders'.
I'm sure you have seen films on the holocaust and those long lines of Jews, submitting to the powers that be. Did you ever ask yourself, 'why don't they do something'? Or, do you believe they should do what they did? Nothing.
Were the Christians in Germany at fault for allowing the Nazi government to come to power? Of course not. How could they be at fault when God is the one who decides who the ruler is? Once it came to power, should Christians resist it? Of course not, God has established it. Should an American Christian be willing to take up arms and go to war with Germany when God has established the ruler there? Of course not, according to your use of (Rom. 13).
Whose side would you have been on when the pilgrims established a Christian colony and civilization in America which resulted in long wars with the Indians? Why did God use war to establish this Christian nation? Why didn't God just love those Indians into submission?
Whose side would you have supported in the American Revolution? That was blatant disobedience to the powers that be? To be true to (Rom. 13) you must support England, correct?
JonC's point is a holier than thou point. It's purpose it to silence the Christian. It is a point that the enemies of the Christian faith love to use against the Christians. They say, "Yall just stay out of politics and let us have our way" Oh yes, they want the Christian to sit back and do nothing but love everyone as they set about to destroy the nation God established.
If God used Christianity, and Christians to go to war to establish this country, who thinks it will be kept a Christian country without Christians fighting for it? See? God establishes the Political Climate that will breed Christianity and the Gospel. And Christians are willing to give it away because, as JonC says, we just need to love everyone.
Well, when it goes away, and it's going, our Gospel will be hindered. Our missionary work will be hindered. Our freedom to worship and witness will be hindered.
Please consider these things.