OK. Here is what you did say exactly:
And my comment that if, as you say, my voicing my own personal conviction not to support a political party "destroys you" then this is not a healthy place for you is a fact - not a threat. #76
Yep. It's the barking that scares away the puppies. Rarely ever comes to biting. #74
I stated that if you were not mature enough to discuss ideas with other Christians without being "destroyed" then you should refrain from doing so until you have a mature faith. #73
First, it does not matter what my words mean to you. It matters what they mean and each of us are the only ones qualified to say what we mean.
I told you, I am a Baptist. We follow Christ and allow for Christian liberty (this is a part of what it means to be Baptist). Follow Christ - not me.
But if me posting my convictions could damage your faith then perhaps you should should concentrate on your faith before engaging the beliefs of others. #65
People of a "weaker faith" who believe that such discussions "destroy" them really have no business being on a public forum. #58
If you are offended by people's beliefs then this is simply not the place for you (and since you agreed to the terms of the Baptist Board to become a member that opinion may call into question your character). #58
In fact, Paul teaches that we are to respect differences in conscience and not persuade others to our views. #47
I did not join this forum to persuade people to my way of thinking. #47
I could not vote without entanglement. #41
That's my two cents, anyway. I believe the scope of our responsibility are those God places in our path. #39
You are like the lawyer that picks on my weak points and does not answer other points.
I asked you about half a dozen questions in which you chose to be unresponsive.
Do you not see how some of your statements could be hurtful, especially for someone who claims to have the love of Christ?
I am a Christian but have enough self knowledge to know I am still a big sinner without much love.
For someone that avows being involved in the political process why you have spent so much time on a political thread?
C'mon, Moderator, pick me apart some more.