Pastor Larry said:
But if I am correct, "forgive them" means "when they confess." You say that he does not tell us to wait until they ask, but if I am correct, the command to forgive assumes confession to begin with.
Are you saying that God will not forgive our sins unless we confess them? Therefore, we are not to forgive sins against us unless the person confesses and repents to us?
What about the sins we commit and don't even realize it? Is God not going to forgive those?
What about the sins we commit, but simply forget to confess them to God in a timely manner? What if we then forget them altogether? Will God forgive us of those sins?
What about all those sins I committed before God drew me to Himself? Do I have to sit around all day and try to remember every sin I committed, so I can specifically ask for that sin to be forgiven? Can I just say a general prayer for all sins?
Does God forgive us for not loving Him "with all our hearts, and minds, and souls"? We could spend every second of every day asking God to forgive us for that sin.
If I remember correctly, Martin Luther nearly drove himself and his priest crazy because he feared he had some unforgiven sin, forgotten and unconfessed.
Thank Almighty God for the grace that is greater than all our sins....even those we don't realize we have committed and those that are not remembered.
We are commanded by God to forgive others as God has forgiven us. If God forgives us of sins we don't realize we have committed, or have forgotten we have committed, then "confession" and "repentance" is not required for us to forgive someone who has sinned against us.
peace to you
