You can quibble over the word "always", if you want. It just weakens your argument, such as it is.
You have completely ignored my argument, especially the biblical portion of it, and chosen just to nitpick. I wonder why.
So , he fires people he hires to do a job when they fail to perform to his expectations?
Like tell him he is making a mistake. There's a very long history of Trump in his business life of firing competent people when they don't say what he wants them to say and replacing them with unqualified sycophants. If you really want to know about it, the information is out there. Of course, I doubt you want to know, so I won't waste my time.
And you fault him for occasionally failing while taking risks to create thousands of jobs?
No, I fault him for making poor business choices that destroy jobs and rob people of their financial stability. His most fortunate victims, like those conned by Trump University, have been able to get some of their money back. But most don't.
Please! Your whining about the successes and failures of the man smack of jealousy and envy.
I am not jealous of the man. I'd be ashamed to be him.
You need counseling to help you get past the trauma of his gettinjg elected.
I was not traumatized by President Trump getting elected, nor do I obsess about it like the infantile President. I am concerned about now and the future. Responsible adults are going to have to clean up the mess.