Alan Gross
Well-Known Member
1) No verse ever specifically states when predestination occurs
2) Predestination is never unto salvation
3) Predestination is unto adoption
4) Adoption is defined as the redemption of the body
5) Said adoption occurs at the resurrection
6) To bear the image of Christ's resurrection body is a blessing connected to salvation, not salvation per se
Please watch the whole video and prove it wrong WITH DEFINING CROSS-REFERENCES for the terms "predestination", "adoption", "image", etc.
In a parallel and earlier thread, the only one who had even attempted that was @ivdavid.
I disagree with him, but I respect the fact that he replied with such cross-references to define the terms.
Of the Internal Acts of God, and of his Decrees in general † Of the Special Decrees of God, particularly of Election † Of the Rejection of some Angels and some Men † Of the Union of the Elect to God † Of Adoption as an Immanent Act † Of the Everlasting Council † Of the Everlasting Covenant of Grace † Of the Part the Father took in the Covenant † Of the Part the Son of God took in the Covenant † Of Christ as the Covenant Head of the Elect † Of Christ the Surety of the Covenant † Of the Love of God † Of Christ the Testator of the Covenant † Of the Concern the Spirit has in the Covenant † Of the Properties of the Covenant † Of the Complacency and Delight the Divine Persons had in each other from everlasting
Of Creation in General † Of the Creation of Angels † Of the Creation of Man † Of the Providence of God † Of the Confirmation of the Elect Angels, Of the Fall of the Non-elect Angels † Of the Honour and Happiness of Man in Innocence † Of the Law given to Adam, and Covenant with him † Of the Sin and Fall of our First Parents † Of the Nature, Aggravations, and sad Effects of the Sin of Man † Of the Imputation of Adam's Sin to all his Posterity † Of the Corruption of Human Nature † Of Actual Sins and Transgressions † Of the Punishment of Sin
A soul must be lost before they are Saved.
A soul that has Been Shown and taken their Place, as lost, knows that they were lost.
If God Did Not Choose, Elect, and Be The Initiator of Predestination, as God, Choosing The Elect, all lost souls born into the Human Race would go to Hell, Forever, Justly.
There is an Initiating Cause of Predestination, Who is The Sovereign God of The Universe, Who, According to The Good Pleasure of His Own Will, Acted, from Eternity Past, in The Manifold Wisdom and Whole Council of The Triune Godhead, to Cause an EFFECT upon those souls, who are blind, dead, without strength, God-Hating and GOING TO HELL BY THEIR OWN WILL.
"You Will Not Come unto Me that you might Have Life".
I believe people should be able to state a position of knowing How God Saves lost sinners.
The testimony of Saved souls is that they were brought to the Place of Being lost, first.
People can be as wise and prudent in thier flesh to attempt to 'glorify' Satan, DIRECTLY, the way this OP does, but they will never know The Bible, until they know they were lost and then, God Saved them.
No one would have ever escaped Hell, Forever, otherwise.
The discussion must begin at, "why does a sinner need a Saviour?"
They are lost. Totally.
Or, they are virtual plethoras of information about Divinity and TELL GOD THEY ARE COMING TO LIVE WITH HIM IN HEAVEN, in a way that children of God do not buy and only see as Satan worship, initiated by Satan.
In which case, that Satan worship, initiated by Satan, is not going to match with a testimony of Having been lost, much less Having Been Saved.
It will simply be a case of "a body is a soul is a born, is a before, after and between, because, and who cares, and I know, because I didn't Invent Salvation, I just explain it without The Bible, including twisting words like a tinker toy, so there, I want my way."
Well, Great, Ms. E., or whatever, we enjoyed your farewell, adios = REVIVAL. May there be many more.
Otherwise, God is God, and people talking about The Things of God, who testify nothing of Having Ever Been lost, is weird.