You asked me to "show from the text itself that there's an order there", to which I used only the text itself to present "a good counter-argument". There is far more support for this order in addition to what can be found in the text itself though. For example:That is actually a better answer, good job (I don't mean to sound condescending, I truly appreciate the fact that you laid out a good effort/argument). Nevertheless, it is indeed just "a little stronger" (emphasis mine), as you put it. Quickly:
Because the event in question that is predestinated comes AFTER "called/justified".
The fact that that simple solution was nowhere on your radar is a testimony to the power of wearing theological lenses that colour everything we see. (And I'm aware that I also wear such lenses often)
There was logical misstep in your argument. "predestination" must, by definition, come before the particular event that is predestinated, not just before any "an event". You went from a generic "an event" to a specific one: "called/justified", as if that were the only possible thing that could ever be predestinated. However, in the passage, it wasn't the calling/justification that was predestinated, it was the conforming to the image of the son: Ro.8:29 he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son - i.e. having our body bears the physical image of Christ's body at the resurrection.
So what is predestinated is an event that does come after predestination, but one which also comes after calling/justification.
Whatever the order, predestination is never of a lost man unto salvation, but of a saved man unto obtaining a resurrection body like unto Christ's (Ro.8:29, Eph.1:5) and of being to the praise of his glory (Eph.1:11-12). Those things are not salvation.
Plus, remember that no verse ever specifically tells us when predestination (unto the adoption of our body) actually happens, so we can't just lightly place it back in eternity past.
So when laying out an order, these truths must be respected.
I'm a former Calvinist, and I know how hard it is to take off the glasses, especially after having once thought to have discovered the deeper truth of Calvinism, long enough to let the text speak for itself with defining cross-references.
1. Foreknown (which we all already agree comes first)
2. Predestinated (Which Ephesians 1:4 proves happened before the foundation of the world. Like I mentioned before, the only way that we could be said to have been chosen "in Christ" before the foundation of the world (an event that happens in a person's lifetime) is if God had already predestinated it to happen before the foundation of the world. And, being predestinated to be in Christ, we were predestinated to the adoption).
3. Called (Which 1 Corinthians 1:23-24 proves happens before a person receives the preaching of the gospel.)
4. Justified (which Romans 5:1 proves happens by faith)
5. Glorified (which we all already agree comes last)