And the futurists. Futurism is the most recent of the three main understandings of prophecy and it has arrived in these latter times.
Daniel 12:4
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
No denying this short, laconic prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. The increase in knowledge includes that of God's word, as the meanings of some prophecies are becoming clear as their fulfillment unfolds.
I only support them when they are correct, which is more often than your stargazing is.
No, the preterism of the pret doctrine is not correct at all.
You say you believe in a literal understanding but you do not as when it suits you you deny the obvious fulfillment because it doesn't fit in with your preconceived ideas. You deny the prince has come [/quote]
Yes, I do, and still will.
and his people destoyed the temple and that is false. It was fulfilled literally to the letter and history PROVES it. Yous are either wilfully denying the actual historical fulfilment or you have been sadly misled by FALSE TEACHERS.
No one with the sense God gave a doorstop denies J & the temple were destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. But the prophecy implies there will be a SPECIAL prince of Roman ancestry who will be far-more-prominent than any other. There were Roman princes from the time of Hezekiah onward for some 1100 years, and Titus was nothing special above the others.
If your teaching disagrees with the teaching of the Church for hundreds of years before 1820, that the POPE is ANTICHRIST, then you are following a false Catholic Teaching whether you are preterist or futurists.
OF COURSE I deny it, as it's FALSE. And I was NOT taught such; I deduced it on my own by studying Scripture & history together. The AC will be ONE MAN, not a whole line, each appointed by other men.
Yes, mosta the popes were little antichrists, same as anyone else who "has a form of godliness while denying its POWER", but the ARCH-ANTICHRIST has not yet been made manifest.
I have found that preterists are far more polite than futurists. Although I have friend who are dispies, so they're not all bad.
I'm generally not too polite when dealing with false doctrines, & I'm not gonna be, as I utterly detest them. But I'll be polite with those who hold FDs while discussing other things.
And I'm a dispy only to the point of believing there are only THREE dispensations - that of the Old Covenant, including the earliest men, that of the New Covenant instituted by Jesus, and the world to come. (I believe the "seven church age" doctrine to be phony as a French Jaguar,)