History as you imagine it, not how it was delivered to you.
Not so. I have
Encyclopsedia Britannica, Collier's Encyclopedia, & other works of history right in front of me, as well as the whole internet.
Amos 9:11
According the first apostolic council recorded in Acts 15, this prophecy has been fulfilled. Do you agree?
Only partially. Judah has a sovereign nation again, but not the rest of Israel, far as we know.
And gentiles were saved very early on, as Jesus Himself saved a Roman, a Samaritan, & a Canaanite woman. However, the prophecy is still being fulfilled, as most Christians today are gentiles, but very few Jews.
As for the "tabernacle of David", Amos was referring to Jesus here. And yes, the apostles in Acts 15 knew the prophecy had been fulfilled in part. The council was about gentiles being saved.
But the apostles' knowledge wasn't quite 100%. Whil3e sexual immorality has always been a sin, Paul later preached & wrote to not question the source of any meat set before you, but to thank God for it & eat. In most cases, one wouldn't know if it'd been offered to an idol, or been strangled And SOME blood remains in any meat. (As this is not the "Jabroney False Witless" forum, I won't discuss the blood thingie here.) Not even those apostles could get completely away from the "Mosaic" laws. (Remember Peter refusing to eat with gentiles til Paul admonished him? I assume this was after God had sent him to Cornelius' home.)
But the prophecies we're concerned with here are the ESCHATOLOGICAL ones, the ones prets say are already fulfilled, but obviously AREN'T yet.