Paul is correcting the use of praying in the spirit without the interpretation! It is plain in that verse that tongues is speaking to God! Speaking to God is prayer!!Your verses and what is actually in scripture are two different things:
The idea that Paul is speaking of a private prayer language in the chapter is contradictory to the fact that Paul is correcting tongues in the worship service.
Paul never speaks of tongues disrespectful! It is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit! To do so is also speaking of the one that is being manifested! Praying in the spirit is not to be done in the church without an interpretation! Without the interpretation it does not edify the church! That is plain!In other words gibberish
I have always agreed to the fact that tongues without interpretation does not edify the body! But that does not disprove that speaking in tongues is speaking to God/giving thanks/ bless with the spirit/praying in the spirit!This verse is designed to show that the faculty of speaking intelligibly, and to the edification of the church, is of more value than the power of speaking a foreign language. The reason is, that however valuable may be the endowment in itself, and however important the truth which he may utter, yet it is as if he spoke to God only. No one could understand him.
NO, it says he does both! But when gathered together do not speak in tongues without the interpretation!In other words I will speak intelligent things rather than gibberish.
NO, the context of the passage corrects the use when they are gathered together! It is plain when he said "YOU GIVE THANKS WELL"....He does agree with it because he speaks in tongues more than any of them! Just not in the church without an interpreation!In other words "he does not know what you are saying" pretty self explanatory.
Paul was being kind here to their intent but it does not mean he agreed with it. In fact the context of the passage is otherwise.
This is where so many make a mistake in understanding tongues! It is not a learned language!Paul spoke a number of other known languages. He was very educated.
Did I say that? I said that he is allowing tongues in church...just in an orderly fashion!So you believe Paul is speaking of a heavenly tongue here and you believe he is saying that everyone in this church speaks in tongues?
"What then shall we say, brothers? When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church. If anyone speaks in a tongue, two--or at the most three--should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said." (1 Corinthians 14:26-29)
Paul said that when these people came together for church, everyone had gifts to be used for ministering to one another. Modern churches tend to believe that all Christians receive one or more gifts of the Spirit, yet it seems that few churches encourage their members to actually use all of their gifts to edify and minister to one another. How different from the original form of church services.
It does not say that he understands what he is saying! If he did he would not need to pray for an interpretation as vs. 13 says! As long as tongues was done in order and interpreted, Paul had no problem with it done in church!If there be none present who can give the proper sense of this Hebrew reading and speaking, then let him keep silence, and not occupy the time of the Church, by speaking in a language which only himself can understand.
Tongues is not to be forbidden! Paul is not forbidding...he is correcting the proper use of tongues in the assembly!Do not suppose that the power of speaking foreign languages is useless, or is to be despised, or that it is to be prohibited. “In its own place” it is a valuable endowment; and on proper occasions the talent should be exercised; see in 1Co_14:22.