Reply to Skandelon,
I am not denying God's omniscience. I'm only admitting what some refuse to admit: It is impossible to understand how an infinite omniscient being makes a choice, comes up with a new thought, comes to know of something He didn't originate (i.e. a sinful intent). We MUST admit there is a level of mystery here and BOTH sides are wrong to draw hard conclusions in the midst of uncertainty. Van is wrong to conclude that God doesn't know everything, and determinist are wrong IF they conclude that His omniscience demands divine predetermination. Neither conclusion is supported in the text, but are drawn based on finite human logic. Why must we draw unfounded conclusions simply because we can't fully understand how God in his infinite nature functions within time and space? We can't really even grasp the concept of eternity, what makes us think we can grasp how an eternal all knowing, all powerful being functions within time and space?
How about instead we agree that God chooses not to use that knowledge (of our sin) to create a debt that must be repaid, and leave it at that?
BTW, you still haven't given me any commentary that supports your view...
No one is denying omniscience, the issue is inherent or total. If I take your word at face value, as I should be able to do because your yes means yes and your no means no, then you believe in inherent omniscience.
You used the term infinite omniscience which is based on a mistranslation, i.e. shoddy bible study. The word means beyond measure, or beyond our comprehension, not infinite. But the advocates of the false doctrine of total omniscience use that verse over and over.
Your doctrine, total omniscience creates incomprehensible absurdities, paradoxes and creates doubt. It should be left on the dust bin on history.
Your statement, Van is wrong is without support. I have supported my view from the text. I have explained that the verses that say God is all knowing in context refer to God knowing what is in our hearts, and those verses are ripped out of context to support total omniscience. Meanwhile God makes plans, says now I know, and remembers our sin no more forever.
Here is a sound hermeneutic, if something cannot be understood, do not think it is a valid view of the Word. God is not a God of confusion. My views are all simple and understandable and are based on what God says. Each and everyone of them is supported by the grammar, syntax, and published commentaries by those who understand the language.
All these efforts to question my qualifications and character are without merit.
There is no support, none, zip, nada, for Calvinism's TULI in scripture. Only a lot of verses ripped from context, misinterpreted, and misrepresented.