My wife and i have been married for fourty two years and are happy. Lady you sure do assume a lot, LOL. I can't say that wearing pants is a sin like a sin that would seperate you from God unto a spiritual death but if you offended the weaker brother by doing so, would you do as the bible say's in Rom 14:15 and walk charitably and not wear them, so as not to destroy the weaker brother, or would you not ? The bible says we are not to drink wine or eat flesh nor ANYTHING whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak Rom 14:21. The bible says that we should take heed of our liberty in Christ of doing certain things lest you become a stumbling block to them that are weak. 1 Cor 8:9 The bible also says in 1 Cor 8:12 that you can sin against the brethren and when you do, you sin against Christ. The bible says it's the little foxes that spoils the vines.
So, this means that we should not spend money because it could cause someone to go into debt.
It means that we should not drive a nice car because it could cause someone to covet.
It means to not have a great marriage and a wonderful relationship because it could cause someone to stumble and want what we have.
No. We don't go through life wondering if every single thing is going to "cause someone to stumble". HOWEVER, if I know that someone struggles with a particular sin, I will be careful around them. I do not serve alcohol in my house but I do cook with it. But if you are an alcoholic and come over, I will not serve something with alcohol in it in deference of you. BUT that doesn't mean I'll never cook with alcohol again.
But honestly, if me wearing a pair of slacks is going to cause a man to lust, then it is not me who has a problem. I'm sure I could wear whatever and for whatever reason, a man will lust (although after 4 c-sections and 47 years, I'm not sure I'm causing too many men to sin - LOL). I'm covered, I'm modest, my husband approves of what I wear and that is who I answer to. A man who has a problem with that has a heart issue that he would need to address between himself and the Lord - and not me.